Psyscan has successfully conducted psychological and organizational management courses and workshops in the Asia Pacific region, with experience extending from Japan in the North to Indonesia in the South and from the Indian continent in the West to the Philippines in the East. From these, Psyscan has accumulated a wealth of experience handling workshops with participants from diverse cultural backgrounds, including participants from major MNC corporations, to indigenous local companies. One differentiating characteristics of Psyscan’s organizational development and behavioural technologies workshops is that we use psychological principles and positive reinforcement in presenting the concepts to the participants.
Typically, Psyscan’s workshops are conducted as an interactive participation-cum-discussion, supported with short lectures, case illustrations, and supplemented with role-plays, short exercises and group assignments (where class size permits). You can be assured that it will be interactive and practical, so as to build the bridge between establishing principles and practice. This shall allow the participants to take home the full benefits of the workshop.
Below is a brief collection of some of our psychological-centric workshops.
Observation & Intervention Skills
Workshop Objective
Introduction: Understand the rationale behind why Observation & Intervention skills are important in
our daily work. Show appreciation for Observation at work using the USA model. Introduction to the
COACH model (as below)
- Quick run-through on the ‘C.O.A.C.H.’ model for Observation & Intervention (stands for Care,
Observe, Analyse, Communicate and Help). Review and appreciate the need and understanding the
rationale for Observation and Feedback/Intervention within the organization.
- Recognize that people have different attitudes, beliefs and value systems that affect their work
- Understand Human Relations and how Personality affects work
- Understand dominant styles within the Transactional Analysis network (the six communications
styles) for intervention. How to recognise, evaluate, and interpret the different styles during
- Participants develop intervention techniques (soft-skills) to decrease resistance and increase longterm
involvement in the safety process.
Skills Learnt/Contents
Choosing the Right Approach
Understand Human Behavior – Basic Principles. Understand why observing and intervening skills
are important to supplement the existing Safety Policies and Guidelines.
Analyzing Incidents/Intervention Strategies
- Compliment, Counselling, Coaching, and Corrective Discipline
Safety Communication/Motivation Techniques
- Understand the different Parent and Child communicative styles at work
- Recognise these styles and how to react and approach to attain objectives in mind – Safety.
How Attitudes and our Values system affect our working safely?
Practical Intervention Exercises/Videos
Duration: 1 Full Day Workshop (0900 – 1700hrs)
Cost: S$3,100 per workshop (upto 20 participants)
Psychology for Managing People – Coaching & Mentoring skills
Workshop Objective
Introduction: Using Psychology as the foundation, participants learn to approach issues at work, in particular, daily conflict or difficult situations caused by people revolving discussions on Safety-related issues by using an additional set of tools: EQ. Participants shall learn to expand their sphere of influence (using and identifying Transactional Analysis communicative styles), learn how to communicate effectively to motivate and mentor people on reinforcing safety values and safety promotion in their sphere of influence, within the organisation.
Today’s Manager and People Skills Management Skills vs Psychology Skills
Traditional Approaches
The Psychological Approaches
Choosing a Strategy for Influencing
Identifying Personal Style for Intervention on Safety
Evaluating the Motivational Outcomes
- PSYCHOLOGY FOR SAFETY COMMUNICATION: Identify your dominant styles using TA
Evaluate your Personality (TA personality test)
Understanding How Employees Behave
Dealing with Frictions & Rivalry
Dealing with Problem People
- PSYCHOLOGY FOR MOTIVATION : Conflict Management (Thomas Kilmann), Mentoring skills
Applying Psychology to Get Workers Interested and Producing
To Win People, You Must Bet on Them
Role-play on various work scenarios involving groups of workers on Safety issues using TA.
Skills Learnt/Contents
Participants will be trained with up-to-date applied psychological skills, techniques and attitudes that will make them self-competent and efficient in the following areas:
Control and use their executive drive to promote safety awareness
Able to analyse and understand people.
Enhance the quality of their human relationships and personal growth.
Enhance leadership, motivation, safety performance and productivity of people in their charge. Deal with conflicts and problem people using the art of persuasion/constructive criticism – using conflict management modes
Duration: 1 Full Day Workshop (0900 – 1700hrs) Cost: S$3,100 per workshop (upto 20 participants)
Leadership using Applied Psychology/ Managing People using Applied Psychology
Many people will ask ourselves many questions as we go through life, but none is more basic, more fundamental, more critical than “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?’ To answer these questions is to face the mystery of your life. When you ask yourself “What is my purpose?” you embark upon a journey of personal and spiritual growth. It is a rewarding and difficult journey. This journey will bring you to look at the purpose of your life, your goals, your ‘achievables’ while seeking a balance to ‘What is happiness in life and (ultimately work)?’ You will need an inquisitive spirit, an open heart and the commitment to complete the beginning of this journey honestly.
The aim of this workshop is to enhance participants’ skills and capabilities in understanding themselves (personality), developing confidence and be self-competent to handle the various relationships (as employee, as supervisor, as a responsible societal person, as parent or as children) effectively in daily living, especially with regard to:
- Understand what it means to have leadership
- Develop self-awareness and self management/regulation through positive psychology, and Transactional Analysis,
- Develop relationship management skills: Appreciate how emotions and states of minds can alter the way we behave and make decisions,
- Enhance the quality of their human relationships and personal growth,
- Enhance leadership, motivation, performance and (productivity) of people under their charge,
- Learn Problem-solving: Deal with conflicts and problems with people, using art of persuasion/constructive criticism or active listenin
Coaching and Counselling People using Applied Psychology
Coaching and Counselling people you work with, is an importance skill to master as a supervisor or manager. This is the first criterion to have as a mentor. Mentoring is problem-solving with people. What sets it apart from an ordinary discussion or a casual conversation is the element of problem-solving. When a person has a problem that he or she decides to discuss with someone, that someone becomes the mentor, also a counselor. The success and effectiveness of a mentor depends to a large extent on how he/she creates an atmosphere conducive to a subordinate/a student/a counselee’s learning. It is not uncommon that employees will encounter emotional disturbances (such as stress, family issues, career choice, motivation issues, etc) serious enough to warrant attention from the superiors or mentors.
The aim of this workshop is to enhance participants’ skills and capabilities in mentoring younger officers and less-experienced subordinates in developing and managing work and life effectively for daily living, especially with regard to:
- Identify a subordinate whose performance and/or adjustment are seriously affected by emotional problems, learning or interpersonal problems
- Hone leadership styles, applying the right approach to be a helpful mentor
- Acquire critical mentoring, that is, coaching and counseling skills, as well as strategies to intervene, such as:-
- Effective listening and counseling skills,
- Techniques in sharing feelings and experiences,
- Applying transactional analysis in mentoring
- Learn to enhance a subordinate’s problem-solving/self management skills
- Learn how to refer if the problem is beyond you
Positive Human Relations for successful Workplace Interventions
The relations you create and maintain with others, whether in your career or personal world, should be viewed as treasures. We must learn to manage our social and work relationships effectively using good human relations principles and strategies. We must not be afraid to influence upwards or shy away from conflict. This workshop is intended to help participants attain effective human relations skills with others at work or in their social environment.
- Assess your own personality and increase sensitivity to the needs and intentions of others.
- Manage relationships effectively and handle conflicts tactfully and persuasively.
- Get tasks accomplished through relationships and influence others without being coercive or manipulative.
- Learn to deal with difficult people and situations on a win-win basis.
Managing Conflicts using Applied Behaviour Psychology
Disagreements or conflicts among people in relationships, groups or organisations come with the competition for power and resources. Managing interpersonal difference is not easy. The constructive handling of conflicts is central to personal satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. Improved skills in managing disagreement will enrich your work, relationship and career.
This workshop is intended to help participants attain:
- Understand the causes and effects of conflicts on work productivity and relationships.
- Assess your own character strengths and weaknesses in handling conflicts with others and increase your own sensitivity to the needs and intentions of others.
- Express differences in ideas or feelings with tact, diplomacy and assurance.
- Improve their quality of working, personal, and family life on a win-win basis.
Power Negotiation with Applied Behaviour Psychology
The world is one huge negotiating table for all of us. Be it personal needs, such as buying a house, selling your car, getting an increase in pay or even deciding who will be buying dinner, ultimately we have to present, negotiate or argue our position persuasively and assertively. Negotiations at work must be conducted with RESPECT. In this workshop, participants will learn to:
- Using the R.E.S.P.E.C.T. model, learn strategies and practise skills for analyzing, and preparing for negotiations.
- Negotiates purchases, sales and contracts face-to-face, or via other modes of communications.
- Read behaviours and styles to maximize closures
- Deal with different types of negotiators – passive, aggressive and assertive
- Develop effective psychological strategies/tactics for negotiation and neutralizing manipulative tactics.
- Recognise interests and issues and avoid unnecessary positions.
- Minimize conflicts and deadlocks both internally and externally.
- Practice negotiation skills through games and role-plays.
- Reach constructive, win-win agreements and overcome negotiating traps.
Stress Management with Applied Psychology
The stress faced by executives and professionals is substantial. Often, we ourselves are the biggest source of stressing our lives. How can you stay in control of your workload and to handle job frustrations without becoming worn-out, irritable or depressed? You can learn to handle stress, having ways of taking the rough with the smooth, keeping a sense of humor and renewing your energy and resources so that working life continues to bring pleasure and rewards.
This workshop gets to grip with the role of personality, with how people interpret situations, and with the role of the individual’s underlying belief systems in creating and fostering stress. The workshop will encourage all participants to have a deeper understanding of ourselves in an optimistic and constructive manner, and provide practical exercises on how to do things differently.
- Understand the causes and effects of stress on health.
- Appreciate the importance of managing stress.
- Use various techniques for stress relief and management
- Selecting appropriate strategies for solving personal, work and family stress problems.
- Adjust successfully to the high stress of living and working in a highly competitive world.
Work-Life Balance
Many people will ask ourselves many questions as we go through life, but none is more basic, more fundamental, more critical than “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose?’ To answer these questions is to face the mystery of your life. When you ask yourself “What is my purpose?” you embark upon a journey of personal and spiritual growth. It is a rewarding and difficult journey. This journey will bring you to look at the purpose of your life, your goals, your ‘achievable’ while seeking a balance to ‘What is happiness in life and (ultimately work)?’ You will need an inquisitive spirit, an open heart and the commitment to complete the beginning of this journey honestly.
The aim of this workshop is to enhance participants’ skills and capabilities for balancing and managing work and life effectively in daily living, especially with regard to:
- Appreciate how values of balancing work and life issues and the basics of the framework of a balance lifestyle,
- Identify the key elements (ie. the events and issues) of balancing work demands and personal responsibilities in work-life balance,
- Develop techniques for assessing and prioritizing issues at work and at home,
- Discuss and recognize the warning signs of imbalance that impact on work and family life,
- Use planning techniques for handling personal stress and develop support networks to help you with managing work-life imbalance,
- Use effective negotiation techniques to get the balance right, and
- Appreciate how economic and social returns from work-life balance for the individuals and organization.
Applied Behaviour Psychology for Assessment of Personalities
Aka “Managing Personalities at Work”
This is a comprehensive tool to learn by all executives and professional to determine personality styles for use in human resource management, professional consulting and counseling on team dynamics and removing work team dysfunctions. The workshop will provide an effective aide in hiring, developing an effective (and hopefully cohesive) team, leadership training and many others.
This workshop identifies an individual’s personality style using some personality and psychometric tests such as DISC or Transactional Analysis. This will help to provide a fundamental understanding in the differences in people, providing a personal review of each individual’s strengths and limits, and thereby provides an action plan to improve work relationships.
- Improve communication and relationships with family, friends, co-workers, and etc
- Discover your personal motivators.
- Better understand how to motivate others.
- Find career options that may best fit your personality.
- Compare yourself to historical figures.
- Maximise your strengths and build self-esteem.
- Identify stressors in life to manage more effectively.
- Reduce conflicts and improve negotiation skills.
Psyscan’s psychological-centric workshops are customizable and designable to fit specifically to your organisation’s unique requirements. So further information, please contact us .