Online Safety Culture Survey
Safety climate is a very important component of your company's safety culture: The 'climate of safety' in your organization at any given point in time determines your people's safety behavior.  Safety climate surveys are used to provide a snapshot of your workforce’s attitudes and perceptions about safety to help identify what is working well, and what is not working as intended.

Seeking your employee's views on safety is good for business! Obtaining the views of your workforce helps to unlock critical business information that helps to improve your overall safety culture. Every activity undertaken to improve your safety culture will also enhance general business performance (e.g. improve productivity and reduce insurance costs).

An instant benefit from conducting a survey is that workforce participation in your safety efforts helps to create a 'safety partnership' that in turn, improves your safety culture. Other benefits, to name a few, includes identifying opportunities to improve your:
Rules & Procedures
Risk assessments or Job Safety Analyses (JSA's)
Risk control systems (RMS)
Management's skills & Leadership
Safety communications
Online Survey
Our online Safety Culture Survey, PsySurvey provides employers of all sizes and in all industries with the ability to quickly conduct an online safety survey (and any other topic you care to name). Large or small, you can survey your entire organization at the same time. You choose how many and which sites you wish to survey, when you wish.
Features of PsySurvey
Create your own question sets, or choose which questions to include from our survey modules. Once designed, we create the online survey for you.
Simply invite your employees to complete the survey online or print and distribute 'hard copies' to them and enter the scores 'online'.
Survey Results
Survey administrators can obtain instant analysis and feedback at the click of a button. You can analyze the results for all business units, departments and employee categories together or separately. View the answers to each individual question and to the various categories of questions to focus your improvement efforts. Survey data can also be downloaded into any spreadsheet package (e.g. Excel) for statistical analysis or presentation purposes.
Written Reports
If you like, our consultants can analyze the data for you and produce an interpretive report, and /or visit your worksite to work with you to address the issues raised by the survey.
We can benchmark your results against others in your industry and against other industries.
PsySurvey includes:
Risk Rating of Workplace Hazards
Peoples Involvement in Safety Activities
Companies physical Welfare Arrangements for the workforce
Provision for respondents to add Additional Comments
Staff views on safety practices encompassing:

Management Commitment
Managerial Actions
Personal Commitment
Perceived Risk
The Required Workplace
Accident Causation Beliefs
Job-Induced Stress
Safety Communications
Emergency Procedures
Safety Training
Safety Personnel
Safe Systems of Work
Safety Behaviors

Flexible and Easy Administration

We do all the technical administration for you within a secure hosted environment. Your survey administrator(s) can:

Check participation rates on a password protected website.
Analyze the results at any time.
Our survey has all the features of more expensive surveys at a price point that fits into all budgets. Using the same questionnaire you can survey all your personnel annually to evaluate your improvement efforts.
Sample of Industries Previously Surveyed
Oil & Gas

Contact us now to find out more and reap the benefits.

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